Work for your salvation in fear and trembling, for it is God, for his own loving purpose, who puts both the will and the action into you. Do all that has to be done without complaining or arguing and then you will be innocent and genuine, you will be children of God. Philippians 2:12 - 15
As I read the short reading above from the Evening Prayer something occurred to me that I often fail to see. Sometimes it is easy to get caught up into strong current of the affairs of daily life and to began to feel more like a passive bystander to whom life happens than like an active partner in God's plan for us.
However, I am thankful for the moments of clarity when the word of God makes it clear to me that I am a full participant in what God wills for each of my days. In our ability to act decisively we show our faith and trust in the Lord. Never should we fear anything provided that we carry out our obligation to work diligently for the sake of God's kingdom.
Each day brings us an opportunity to express our freedom. In that freedom we choose to act and to do what is good and seek to allow our lives to express the spiritual worship that is the work of God among us. Thus we go about the day seeking to remain busy about those things that are most innocent and genuine, that is, as we go about making room for God in the seasons, days, and hours of our lives.
Never should we fear the outcome of the decisions we make provided that we are willing to work wholeheartedly and courageously to ensure that there is ample room the presence of God in whatever may come. And, come what may, we rest assured that God has given us work that it might sanctify the path that lies ahead.