Forgive my absence for the past couple weeks. Although I anticipated that getting started for the new school year would include a tremendous amount of paperwork, I failed to foresee that it would take a lot of my blog time. The past two weeks have been filled with those "Now where do I start" moments.
Hopefully this week you will again be seeing regular posts from me--it's not that I haven't had some great spiritual ideas come my way recently. It's just that writing time has been a real premium. Add to it that I've had weddings and baptisms the past two weekends and you'll begin to see the picture.
Not that I'm complaining though--being busy has been a great blessing, and honestly I haven't felt so good in some time. I'm still excited about my new job this year and as I begin to settle in I'm seeing the hand of God in it everywhere.
The message of service and humility are still strong on my mind from my last post, which was a Sunday homily, and the reality of it is the fuel that keeps me going. It seems that in every situation that one might count as stressful or slightly unpleasant there is an opportunity to offer ourselves to others--also, there's nothing bad about considering life's uphill moments as penance. May we always have the grace to offer our situations to the sufferings of Christ.
Bear with me this week as I gather my scattered thoughts. is far from being over--I'm just getting started. The Holy Spirit says "write" so here I am. It may be that I don't know all the reasons yet, and that's often how it is when God tells us to act, but still ours is to obey with faith. Look for new posts this week!
We'll hold ya to it! Glad all is well.
Posted by: CO | September 17, 2007 at 12:25 AM
Good thoughts toward you and yours at the start of another school year!
And consider yourself hit with a B.R.A. meme. :)
Posted by: Paul Stokell | September 17, 2007 at 09:12 PM
Well,'ve given me something to think about. I can't promise I'll get to it right away, but let's see...
Posted by: Deacon DW | September 17, 2007 at 09:49 PM