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  • Deacon Dan Wright serves the Diocese of Austin, Texas. His work outside the parish is as a special education teacher serving students with significant cognitive disabilities.



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« Sunday Homily: Increase Our Faith | Main | Don't Complain! »

October 12, 2007



Kate Gilmore of Amnesty International insists AI is not making a statement on abortion as a moral right or wrong, nor is it pushing for the right of choice, but that in these times when rape is a daily weapon, women and girls need some option..

What they need is help. As you say, AI is shortsighted and is indeed allowing violence against the invisible to replace violence against seen people.

It's good to know that the Church is taking a pro-life stance, but again, unless some action is indeed relieving the plight of these poor victims, we are mostly clucking our tongues and wishing them a better life. May (all) the Church take it all a step further and call for a complete withdrawal from the mideast where we are picking our and everyone else's noses quite illegally and unsensibly all these years; maybe we could rather be (and would rather be) sent into areas where an armed force surge may truly stop systematic and devastating human rights abuses.


Wow....and Wow.

What else can I say?


I read this days and days ago, then got caught up in the link, then found my way to Mia Farrow's website, etc., etc., and forgot to leave a comment. I am completely overwhelmed by the work she is doing in Darfur.

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