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  • Deacon Dan Wright serves the Diocese of Austin, Texas. His work outside the parish is as a special education teacher serving students with significant cognitive disabilities.



  • Family activities, spirituality, liturgy, Christian apologetics, social justice topics, special education issues, and promoting the peace and unity of the human family.
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« Sunday Homily: The Balm of Salvation | Main | On Sacred Art »

March 04, 2008



Howard Dean is still alive??

Politics in a campaign year is like watching a slow-motion bloodless Goodfellas, isn't it? I hope Huckabee shakes 'em all up at least, but if neither he nor Paul scores a whopping percentage of delegates from Texas, I hope the rest of the country will save their pro-life face for 4 years from now, and this time simply write in a name. Those who insist we Catholics must fulfill our civic duty will never know we wrote in Daffy Duck. I'd not vote for a warmonger nor an abortionist. Period.

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