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  • Deacon Dan Wright serves the Diocese of Austin, Texas. His work outside the parish is as a special education teacher serving students with significant cognitive disabilities.



  • Family activities, spirituality, liturgy, Christian apologetics, social justice topics, special education issues, and promoting the peace and unity of the human family.
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March 05, 2008



Your photos are unique. I absolutely love the Holy Family one, but the photo under that surprisingly made me feel like I'm looking on as Jesus, or maybe as DDW, anxious to fill this place with the beating hearts of Mass.. I've seen an ancient altar and Stations in the wilderness under gray Irish skies, and true, it was not pretty; it was about as stark as any could want.

I'm undoubtedly a Ms. Fussypants when it comes to sacred art; I've noticed that churches with wonderful statues usually have the most flat Stations, or the one that has the most beautiful stained glass and the most magnificently-carved wooden cross whose Corpus winces out at us all in Agony, has a reredos designed by Tinkerbell..

The difference between a little country chapel I'd had to hunt for the Tabernacle in, and just the entrance of Our Lady of Victory basilica in Buffalo, NY was immense. I had to tape my mouth shut for the whole hour of exploration, 'cause my jaw just dropped wherever I looked. The bowls of holy water on each side, held by two angels, made me wonder how folks kept their kids from wading. The Stations were life-sized, each carved from a solid piece of Italian marble.. There were alcove altars all the way -- Our Lady, the Sacred Heart, the Pieta, and the altar was terrifying in its majesty. Red marble columns reaching up to the 1st or 2nd heaven, gold, gold, gold Tabernacle. And a papal umbrella nearby.. I remember looking around at the immensity and thinking, "THIS. THIS is how You should be honored, dear Lord. Not teakwood and pink carpet..oh, no-- THIS." It made me cry to think that a whole country spared no expense in procuring the most beautiful of everything for this, His church. How fortunate are those who can go spend hours there, praying and praying.

But of course, the Lord Himself lived in poverty. The poorest church on the planet is but one of the very greatest in His eyes.


I've become much more interested in religious art since I started blogging and find my eyes wandering a lot now when I go into new churches or unfamiliar ones.
One of my parish churches has beautiful Stations of the Cross, about 14 inches tall, hand - carved out of cedar wood, matt finished with gold paint used for Jesus' halo. I would defy anyone to look at these beautiful pieces of art and not see the hand of God.
Thanks, Deacon Dan, for the photos and I look forward to more.

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