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July 03, 2008



That'd also make a good homily for the yearly Mass that celebrates marriage, especially for those creeping up onto years when all the kids are gone and the bodies are breaking down to dust. On the wedding day, few words of wisdom are needed or heard; that day is wall-to-wall "'til death do us part--and then some!" But come about the 25th year, it would be good to hear/say, "Remember, I'm on your side."

Deacon DW

I really try to keep wedding homilies short. The weddings that deacons preside at are without a Mass, so the expectation is that everything takes place inside a half-hour. Also, the couple typically remains standing during the homily, so that's another reason to keep it short (though there's no reason why they can't sit or kneel for it). I save the long sermons for Sundays.



My daughter wishes to marry in the same church I was married in 36 years ago. She is christened catholic however since then apart from the occasional visit does not go to church regularly. Her fiance is christened but not catholic. My daughter does not live at home. My mother does live in the parish where the church is situated.

Obviously this would be something I would like to happen,but am unsure as to if this would be allowed and I am looking for advice before I contact the parish priest.

Thank you for your comments.

Dennis Swanson

Question --- Can a priest or a deacon perform a non-sacramental marriage outside of the confines of a church. My daughter and fiance are both Catolics that live in Kansas City. They are getting married in the Durham Musem in OMaha, Ne (close to my daughters home town). The priest in thier KC parish says they will recognize a Christian marriage. I would like a priest or deacon to perform the ceremony, I just don't know if they can perform outside of the confines of a chirch and outside of the confines of a Nuptual Mass.

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