My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord;
my spirit rejoices in God my Savior
for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.
From this day all generations will call me blessed:
the Almighty has done great things for me
and holy is his Name.
We look to her; often we call upon her for assistance in times when our prayer alone doesn't seem to be enough. We reflect upon that greeting so long ago that in time has proven true--all generations indeed have called her blessed. She shows us the meaning of blessing, and in our prayer through her we share in her blessedness.
Her presence seems near in those moments when we can't quite find the needed strength. I doubt that it is a weakness or a fault to which we as the children of Adam cannot relate. However, we find the way beyond it in our asking for help. We look to one who knelt at the cross. Indeed, the connection of the cross is never too far away. We say and we believe that Our Lady is the perfect pray-er. No prayers could match the intensity of those prayers at the foot of the cross. None were as perfectly born of need as those of she who bore the one who suffered that we might live.
She proclaims his greatness, while at the same time she acknowledges her lowliness. It is a lowliness that she models for us, for it comes forth from the humility that the Master taught us, and that we must acquire in order to inherit the kingdom of God.
She leads the way and inherits the kingdom perfectly in her actions of humility and her prayerful submission. Yes, in all she is and does she awaits the kingdom of God that calls her forth and draws her unto itself. And, we look to her humility as a perfect model. For we too desire that same liberation from this fleeting moment that often seems to pull us back to the clay from which our bodies were formed. Still, we look toward heaven and we believe.
She sings of his holiness and his might and in doing so she loses herself in him. Her identity and his merge as one. Her soul sings and even in the singing she begins her rising heavenward. We desire to go along, needing help along the way.
Her help is present for us; she is the icon of that help that comes from God alone.
We see help in her, perpetually, yet in her is the God in whom she loses herself. It is God then who provides our help; she is the window through which it flows.
I find myself devoted to her completely. She is my mother--given to me as mother, and I behold her blessedness. Hers is the blessedness of one who bears all mystery within. By that which she alone bears, she is ever assumed into heaven.
The beauty I find in it is the promise that it contains. I look to her assumption in hope of what awaits. I look ever hoping, ever desiring, desiring God, and knowing my need for help along the way.
I pause in this summertime moment. Another season of life comes and goes. Looking upward as the hosts of heaven pass overhead leaving occasionally a burning streamer behind. It is humanity's desire to be assumed, losing ourselves in God forever.
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